Bio Reme Aqua Probiotics

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Bio Reme Aqua Probiotics


Bio Reme Aqua Probiotics - Overview

BIO REME AQUA PROBIOTICS is a unique blend of beneficial and natural bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, seaweed extract and etc. Each selected strains are gut friendly for fish and shrimp. It increases the ability to digest and nutrient assimilation. The bacteria in Bio Reme Aqua Probiotics have the ability to inhibit the colonisation of pathogens which increases the immunity power.


  • Enhances ability to digest feed.
  • Better nutrient absorption through enzymatic activity.
  • Protects the gut from pathogens and increases the immunity power.
  • Effective for controlling white gut and white faeces.
  • Enhances FCR and hence biomass growth.


  • Shrimp : 10 g/Kg of feed.
  • Fish : 5 g/Kg of feed.