Odour Control In Feed Industry

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Odour Control In Feed Industry

Odour Control Solution In Feed

What is Bio Render?

Bio Render is a potent liquid neutralising agent designed to eliminate strong odours in abattoirs and rendering plants. It is a custom blend of highly concentrated and powerful reactants that can treat both wet air scrubber and fugitive odours associated with animal rendering plants, slaughterhouses, MBM plants, and more. Basically, it is a odour control solution in rendering.

How Bio Render Is Used For Odour Control In Feed Industry ?

Bio render form strong chemical bonds with many odor molecules and permanently trap them in an aqueous phase. The odor molecules are not simply masked rather, they are encapsulated and neutralized. Bio render is used for long-lasting neutralization of unpleasant odors in feed industry. It is high yield concentrate, very fast acting, very much safe to use and not bad for environment as well. Bio render potency makes it ideal for use against biological odor emissions in feed industry. It can also be used to treat waste/sewage, slaughterhouse waste, Rendering plant cookers, meat bone meal plants waste Etc. Bio Render product lines have been lab studied and field tested to prove its capability and potency. Bio render formulation is designed to produce a complete, strong, organic reaction to safely remove odour compounds from the air stream and into the water of the sump for safe and effective odor control. Our odour control for feed industry products have been customized specifically for animal renderers, field tested and is analyzed scientifically.

Benefits of Bio Render (Odour Control In Feed Industry):

  • Permanently encapsulates and neutralizes pungent odours within minutes.
  • Removes odours of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, and cooking gas molecules, instead of simply masking them.
  • Eliminates odours of rotten rendering waste, organic compounds, and amines found in the odour of rotting meat and cadavers and therfore it is for odour control in feed industry
  • High-yield concentrate formulation that is safe & very easy to use.
  • The solution is eco-friendly with no dyes or fragrances and without biocides or problematic ingredients which could harm the environment.
  • Provides a durable and long-lasting effect, creating a smell-free working environment and thus gives odour control in feed industry.
  • Removes odours from final products made up of rendering waste, making it an essential tool for rendering operations

Odour Control Solution In Rendering
  • Dosage may vary if waste is old or rotten.
  • How to apply: Directly dose in cooker after shaking properly.

Dosing Point: Cooker (Any type whether batch or super cooker)