Bio Reme Just Drop

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Bio Reme Just Drop

Bio Reme Just Drop

Bio Reme Just Drop

If you are looking for bacteria and enzymes for your septic tank, Greencraft labs is here for you. Bio reme Just Drop self-dissolving packs contains bacteria cultures which are able to degrade fats, grease, soaps, oils, faecal sludge, Ammonia from urine and many chemicals in the septic tank environment.

Properly functioning septic tank systems allow bacteria to decompose solid waste materials and allow proper liquid flow to the septic tank lines. Solid waste can prematurely build-up when the biological balance is broken because harmful household chemicals, detergents, pharmaceutical products or excessive amounts of water are allowed to flow into the septic tank. Solid waste build-up can cause main drain line back-up leading to premature septic tank pumping. Or, in extreme cases, cause solids to reach the liquid side of the tank ultimately causing leach line clogs.

Bio reme just drop are water soluble packets of highly concentrated bacteria for use in aerated septic systems, package systems and other aerated wastewater systems. These bacteria digest proteins, fats, oils, grease, soaps, and chemicals found in cleaning products and work with both the settling chamber and aeration chamber of the aerated units.

The convenient (40 gram) packets dissolve quickly for easy application simply by flushing them down a toilet. One pouch per toilet per week for first month should be used to start up a typical 5000 ltr system. Maintenance treatments consist of one packet every few months for odor free, trouble-free system performance.

  • Contains patented bacterial cultures to promote rapid breakdown of solids which reduces odor, scum, and faecal sludge - ultimately improving septic system efficiency
  • Keeps your septic tank working at peak performance
  • Restores the natural bacteria balance
  • Easy to use
  • Concentrate bacteria in self-dissolving pouch.
  • Start treating waste at source.
  • Trusted by numbers of Septic tank and Bio toilet OEM.
  • Helps prevent main line and leach line clogs
  • Helps prolong the need for septic tank pumping
  • Simply pour the contents of one packet into the toilet and flush
  • Highly concentrated water soluble Just drop bacteria is for use in aerated septic systems, package systems and other aerated wastewater systems.
  • These bacteria digest grease, soaps, proteins, fats, oils, many chemicals found in cleaning products and it works with both the settling chamber and aeration chambers of the aerated units.
  • The Just Drop packet includes 10 individual 40 gram packets (total of 400 grams of digesting bacteria) which are flushable down the toilet.
  • The manufacturer recommends for startups to use one pouch per toilet first month . Flush one down the toilet and then repeat with the maintenance pack.
  • For regular maintenance, just flush one pouch down the toilet every month.
  • Helps prevent drain and septic back ups and reduces odors.
  • Easy to use packs that dissolve in water
  • Contains unique Bio Reme Just drop Bacteria.


  • Place one block in each urinal space every 50cm in trough urinals.
  • Replace when the block has dissolved for maximum efficiency.

Area of Application:

  • To use in public Urinals
  • Suitable for all types of urinals including stainless steel, porcelain and ceramic