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Problems In Biological Systems

What is BSI?

Biomass Stress Index (BSI) gives the stress level experienced by the microbiological population in the biological system.

it is the ratio of dissolved ATP (from dead and very stressed cells) to total ATP (all dissolved and cellular ATP). This quantity gives an early warning of forthcoming process problems and toxic conditions.

BSI (%) = dATP/tATP
Where, ATP = Adenosine triphosphate


Fatal Stress

These are situations where a remarkably toxic compound is introduced to the biological. Examples include severe pH drop and rise or large quantities of toxic chemicals is introduced. These toxic compound and sudden changes in pH will cause cellular damage leading to changes of intra cellular ATP into Dissolved ATP.


  • Dramatic reduction in tATP
  • Drop in or no change in dATP
  • Dramatic reduction in cATP
  • Dramatic rise in BSI

Extreme Stress with No Degradation of dATP

This is similar to Fatal Stress but the destruction of dATP does not occur as soon as it is generated. Hence, tATP remains the same while cATP is turn to dATP. This can happen when higher level of the toxic is present to destroy the cells but not the dATP, or that the dATP achieves protection from external substances.


  • No change in tATP
  • Dramatic rise in dATP
  • Dramatic reduction in cATP
  • Dramatic rise in BSI

Extreme Stress with Degradation of dATP

In this scenario, toxicity reduces cATP with no notable rise in dATP. This can occur one of two ways: either dATP is decomposed as soon as it is generated, or the cell is fixed and cATP is used internally from metabolic action. This fixed action is similar to the action of certain biocides


  • Reduction in tATP
  • No change in dATP
  • Notable drops in cATP
  • Increase in BSI (Reduction in tATP > Reduction in dATP) or no change in BSI

Metabolic Stress

Metabolic stress happens when non-degradable compound is introduced to the biomass. Generally, this type of stress is more difficult to detect since the biomass has a large amount of cATP that takes a while to complete the cycle.


  • Rapid reduction in tATP
  • No change in dATP
  • Rapid reduction in cATP
  • Increase in BSI